The Tree of Life is the master glyph of the Western Mystery tradition. The One Life involves itself into form from the top to the bottom of the tree. The lowest sphere of the tree, number 10, is Malkuth - the Kingdom. This represents physical reality. We evolve back up the tree, from physical body consciousness back to knowing ourselves to the the One who "was, is and will be" all this.

Where we are in the evolutionary process can be defined by where upon the tree we have evolved in consciousness.

The Tree of Life exists on many levels. In fact, there is a sub-set of the Tree of Life in each sphere of the tree. Thus the one Tree of Life contains 100 little Trees of Life.

I sent this Tree to Jesús Santisteban. He sent it to his friend, Txemi. Txemi made a lovely three dimentional version. It is a sizeable download (346K) and very lovely.

And there is a tree on each of the four levels of reality. Thus there are actually 400 Trees of Life.
Archtypal Idea
Root Notion
Essential Self
Creative Pattern
Particular Patterns
Inner Pattern
Personal Self Process
Creative Patterns
Formative (Ego)
Focus of Energies
Material Manifestation
Actual Forms
Particular Vehicle
"Keep (Be) Silent"
This grand plan may make you feel like the path is so long and you are just starting. Take heart! You may not feel that you are already one of the "merciful ones"; the initiates of Chesed - the sphere of Mercy on the Tree of Life. Be that as it may, you can right now practice acts of compassion, kindness, gentleness, caring. Whenever you do so, you are acting at the least in Chesed of Malkuth. And these acts do prepare you for functioning in Chesed on higher levesl (of higher Trees of Life) as well.

More stories about the Tree of Life. Higher resolution versions of the above three graphics (10" @ 150 dpi) are available in the graphics section accessed via

These is so much more that could be said, but to quote Bruce, "It's worth a lot more if it comes to you in your own meditation than if someone else spells it out for you." This is how to "Know Thyself". Meditate upon the various symbols and "incubate" them in your mind and heart. Ask your burning questions within. Then get silent and expectantly await your answers. Keep all your inner senses open. You may receive guidance via any kind of inwardly perceived sensory imagery. Some see pictures. Some hear or see words. Some have feelings. However you receive your inner guidance, pay attention to it and write it down in your journal. It may just seem to be a nubulous idea. At first, you may not think that this is guidance at all. Write these ideas down anyway. The reception of guidance will become clearer with practice. The same Higher Self, the same inner teacher that has guided all those who have awakened is within, awaiting for you to ask, get quiet, and listen.

This is the greatest puzzle and treasure map of all. Happy adventuring!