I AM a Qabalistic Temple

I am dedicated to the perpetuation and dispensation of the Holy Qabalah and Sacred Wisdom of the Tarot.

I have an amazing history whose beginning is lost in the mists of time.

It is said the Angels brought my message to man.

For thousands of years the people have gathered to hear the Wisdom Religion of the Holy Qabalah and the Ancient Tarot.

From within my walls Qabalists go forth into every corner of the World to bear witness of the truth.

I am a very old Temple.

My Sacred Wisdom is spoken in many tongues among all races and it is found in many creeds.

I have heard great men weep and valiant women sing,-

In my strength young people have found vision and higher horizons.

Children learn how to weave love from God into their lives.

I have seen civilisations rise like the Phoenix from ashes of older civilisations only to crumble back into the dust.

Through all change I have borne witness to a God who never changes.

I live in many lands and listen to the rhythm of human souls.

My hands and heart embrace all humanity.

I see no distinction of class, colour or creed.

Within my walls there are no barriers to God's love nor our unity in Him.

I am intensely interested in the wellbeing of the ill, the unhappy and the lonely.

I share with them the healing and the wholeness of the Lord of the Universe.

In me the rich and poor come together for worship and the attainment of the Sacred Wisdom.

Through me the poor become rich beyond conception and the rich become generous, gentle and humble beyond belief.

People come to me from the separateness of materiality to find the oneness of being.

They come from a world at war to live in a world of peace.

The world cannot understand this transmutation nor overcome it.

It is a hymn that sings in your heart.

It is the melody of God's word it fills every fibre of your being as you give birth to yourself.

I am a Qabalistic Temple in the heart of a great city.

I live for the glory of the Lord of the Universe and the need of his people.

The older I grow the stronger I become.

The Lord of the Universe is my strength and you are the purpose of my existence.

I am a Qabalistic Temple.

I am dedicated to the love and glory of the Lord of Life and to your service.

As in the past so will it ever be.

My life and service to God and to you depend upon your life and service to Him and to yourself.

I leave my future in your hands.


Light is my witness.

May you walk through the Path of the Great Adventure in the sure knowledge that the Holy Guardian Angel lights the way before you. And may you abide under the shadow of His wings Whose name is Peace.