Heh - Window, fiery, Aries, reason, constituting intelligence, sight |
Heh - Window, fiery, Aries, reason, constituting intelligence, sight |
Heh and Heh again spells the letter name, Heh, the Window. Tetragrammaton, the name of God that one dare not utter, is spelled Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh - with two Hehs. Heh refers to the function of sight, to the Mars force (the force with which we flex out muscles and exercise our will) in Aires (which rules the head and especially the part of the brain associated with sight and the sending of messages to the muscles to carry our our will).
"I look and I see"
"Keeping careful watch over my environment, I carefully order my life to insure success."
"I check of what I believe to be true is in harmony with what I observe."
A window lets light in to the house and allows us to look outside. |
In ancient stone houses, the window was just a hole in the wall, often with a wide stone over it as in this picture. |